How to "LOVE" ourselves?

We have heard a lot of times that we should love ourselves but we don’t know how to do it. There are some moments in life when we feel stuck, trapped, helpless and miserable and don’t know how to come out of these situations. These are the times when your whole self is shaken by something big. When you lose hope to see the light in your life. At such times a person wants to get out of his deteriorated state. Usually, people in such situations blame themselves for all problems, but this is just a form of self-abuse. There are a few ways from which we can learn to love ourselves.

  1. Never linger on unfortunate memories:

It is a form of self-abuse to always loiter on ill-fated happenings of your life. Of course, life is an amalgamation of happiness and sadness. There will be moments in your life when you will be happy and also there will be moments when you will be sad. It’s not right that you always focus on bad things and completely ignores good things and happenings. People who do that are also prone to self-pity. To avoid that you should always have a moderate overall view of things.

       2. Learn to Forgive yourself:

In this life, everyone commits mistakes because we are human beings and you may have already read the story “ To err is human”. It is really true it is a part of our nature that we commit mistakes intentionally or unintentionally. In this world, you wouldn’t find anyone who hasn’t committed any mistake. So you can also make mistakes, rather than indulging in self-abuse. You should forgive yourself if you commit a mistake. Never lose your hope on yourself and try to be a good person.

         3. Know your worth:

Everyone in this world is precious in its own place and form. Sometimes we think about ourselves that we do not have any worth in this world. Well, if anyone thinks like that he or she should know that if honey bees are disappeared from this world, the world will turn into barren land and life on earth will be affected badly. If the life of a small insect is so important for the survival of this world. How our life can be worthless, rather we have vital importance in this world. The future of this world rests upon our shoulder. We have to make this world a better place to live, not only for us but for the coming next generations.

           4. Let go of your past:

 It is also a property of human beings that we always linger on the past whether it was good or bad. We always stay focused when we talk about past incidents or happenings. Sometimes this past is not only limited to ourselves or our generation only but also focused on our ancestors like I have seen several people saying that our forefathers used to do this or that. Some people also tell the story of the glory of their forefathers but we should accept that we should work for the future. Past is what already has happened and it's not going to happen again. So, instead of relying on the past, we should strive for the future.

          5. Focus on positive things around you:

 It is said that positivity is always just around the corner, you only have to look around yourself to found it. If you focus on happenings the positivity starts from the dawn of a new day, which gives us a new opportunity, a new day of life and a new outlook to see the world. So, why not see the beauty that nature offers us. There is positivity in the people giving a smile to you, giving a stare to you, giving you a cup of coffee, a warm conversation and also a warm glance. Look out for positive aspects of life and you will be surprised with the prospects…

Wishing you a day full of love and kindness💗. 


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