Reality or Myth? Deciphering the truth of “Can One Please Everyone”?

Our whole life is almost surrounded around the effort and struggle of pleasing others. And if not pleasing, impressing others in one way or the other. Sometimes the “other” refer to our family as we work to prove our worth to our parents, family, peers, friends, bosses and so on. But even after doing everything in our power to satisfy others, we always have people who are against us, do not like our presence or our decisions for that matter. Sometimes they do not like us for our work, our background, our economic status, our appearance, our religion, our caste, our family, our determination or our being different and a lot of other reasons😭. Well, it’s a fact that you cannot please everybody.

So, why judge ourselves with others perception? Every person in this world is unique. He or she has his or her own worth, irrespective of the other's notion about him or her😊. There are several people in this world, who criticize and even sometimes bully others because they aren’t as good as you are. So, why worry about them? Why make your own life hell because of them? I have seen many people, who almost throw everything aside to reach up to the expectations of people. If after doing everything, they do not reach up to their expectations, it breaks them apart. They lose everything in this world, so why make anyone lift such a burden?

There is a story that you may have already heard, but it is mandatory to put here. There was a well in a rural area, in this well a frog used to live. the owner of the well happened to receive a gift from his friend. The gift was a small glittery fish, that his friend has captured from the sea. The owner put that fish into the well. The frog on seeing her tried to be friendly with her. He asked her “where you come from”, and the fish replied as “  I have come from the Sea”. On hearing this the frog asked her that what is a sea? She again answered that a sea is a place where water is present everywhere. It must be huge then? Again, asked the frog. Yes! It is very huge. When the frog heard it, he swam and make a small circle in the well and asked that “Is the sea is that huge?” The fish replied that no the sea is beyond huge. The frog again make a bigger circle and asked that “is the sea is that huge?” the fish again replied as No. then the frog swim all the way to the boundaries of well and again asked, “is the sea is that huge?” The fish which has already tired of his questions answered that “I cannot make you realize how huge the sea is because your thinking and imagination is only limited to this well (great saying fish😉).

Many people around us cannot understand us because they have a very limited or narrow outlook of life. So, live your life impressing yourself and not others👏. The burden of expectations is very heavy to carry. So, why not focus on improving yourself, for only and only the sake of yourself and not for any tom, dick and harry (got it👀). Love yourself before loving anybody because you are exceptional. You don’t have to judge yourself by anyone’s opinion. You are a wonder in yourself👌.

Wishing you a day full of prosperity and happiness💓.







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