The Cycle of "Wish" generates another

There is a feeling that we all know about, the feeling of unfulfillment. We feel it at times that we do not have such house, such car, such bank balance, so and so and it goes on. This is a feeling full of discontentment when we are not satisfied with what we have. If you have it once a while in a blue moon, there is no need to worry but if you always had this in you, there is a huge problem.

The main reason behind this particular feeling is the comparison, you feel bad when you compare yourself with others. The interesting thing behind this comparison is that we usually compare us with the people whose social status is up than us and do not try to compare ourselves with those, who have nothing or very little. If anyone wants to compare, compare with the people below your social strata, who have maybe less than you but they would probably be more content or happy from you. You have to believe the fact that happiness is not limited to resources or material goods, it is bound to emerge from our heart. If happiness is bound to be attached to the rich only, then the poor would have never smiled.

I want to give an example of behaviours that we usually exhibit (it’s not like there aren’t other attitudes or behaviours but I just picked these). Suppose three people do not have an expensive luxurious car and they saw a person driving it and they express as

Jim: I wish, I had a a car like this...

Joe: Why I never get anything and others have anything. I wish this car would be mine...

Julie: I will work hard and get this car...

In the first sentence, Jim is simply stating a wish. Having wishes is not a bad thing at all. It is not devastating for your personality and self-esteem. In fact, wishing seems to boost ourselves to strive for that particular thing.

In the second sentence, Joe is actually complaining and then he is jealous. The way he uses the term wish is also superfluous because he is wishing for that car that this belongs to him rather than his present owner. This attitude is destructive because he doesn't only want to have this car but also wants to make that guy who has the car deprived. If you are the one who has this kind of attitude, get rid of that as soon as possible. In the case of Joe even. He would get the car, he will not be happy because he is always looking at other's things.

The third statement is constructive by nature because the girl got determination (It appears like that). Julie seems to believe in herself that she can get that car if she worked hard. This attitude will make her work even harder to get her desire to come true.

There are a lot of things which we had, and instead of being thankful for what we have, we start complaining about what we do not have. If you only focus on the things you don’t have you will never have enough to make you happy. Because if you would get a little, you would want more. if you would get more, you would still want more because one wish generates another and the cycle always goes again and again. So, be thankful for what you have in life, I am not saying that you shouldn’t work to get something but for God’s sake don’t demean yourself. Be content with what you have and work to fulfil your aims by having a constructive approach. Be thankful for everything you have, cherish your relationships and you will end up having more.

Wishing you a day full of Care and Support๐Ÿ’“.


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